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Dental Compressors

with extractor and lighting
Features and Advantages:
Large transparent display that allows perfect visualization of the work from various angles;
Easy-to-remove display for cleaning with the possibility of replacement in order to make your camera always look like new;
Low cost, light, practical and functional;
Modern and innovative design that allows use on the lap or bench and provides greater internal space facilitating hand handling;
Uses ambient lighting with full view of the interior of the camera;
Lighting by means of LEDs, which generates an area of homogeneous brightness;
Removable cover and base that facilitate cleaning and replacement of the display;
Tray for waste collection;
Rings that facilitate the removal of gloves for cleaning;
It has ample internal space that facilitates the handling of the hands;
Light, portable, ergonomic and made of resistant material with high durability and no risk of oxidation;
Low consumption;
Low noise exhaust fan;
The viewfinder and sleeve items and the waste filter can be purchased separately to ensure your camera always looks like new.